It’s becoming clear to me lately I’m kind of obsessed with mindsets… which checks out when a lot of my work is focused on how people make decisions, especially when it comes to buying into a brand.
But this musing specifically isn’t so much about that. Or maybe it is?
Let’s just get into it.
I’ve been navigating what it means to work in my zone of genius – intentionally and unintentionally. It’s been a ✨season✨ (try 2-3 years?) of trial and error for me, navigating building offers that both fire me up AND help my clients. Sometimes it’s like every proposal I’m reinventing the wheel, trying to to tie up the perfect solution with a pretty little bow… and I have, for sure, but when it comes to doing the actual work sometimes I’m just not excited about it.
You feel me?
The combination of that 5-year-itch in business, navigating it with two kids, a cross-country move, and also my ADHD diagnosis have really thrown me for a loop sometimes about what I offer…
My diagnosis was almost a blessing and a curse, because now I understand that that’s actually just how my brain works. The nice part: I don’t have to necessarily fight it to work a different way. There’s things that I actually am really fucking good at and enjoy doing, and if it doesn’t fit into either of those, I actually don’t have to force it.
tldr: doing work that doesn’t align with how your brain works—or what you truly love—isn’t sustainable.
There are so many options out there, so much space for collaboration, you actually don’t have to have or be the solution for everything.
To that point, there’s also so much noise on the Internet. If you need it, here’s the permission to just ✨not✨. Just because another web designer offers Intensive Days, you don’t have to. Someone’s doing an online course about something you also are skilled about, but you hate group coaching? Don’t.
The thing that makes people want to work with, buy from, support you is you guessed it—you. It’s your secret sauce, point of view, weird quirk or skill, what makes you do what you do in a way that’s unique to you.
It’s all about understanding your zones: the Zone of Genius, Zone of Excellence, Zone of Competence, and Zone of Incompetence. These concepts can help you figure out how to align your business with what you’re great at and what you actually enjoy.
Your genius and excellence zones, great. The other two? Get rid of them.
Can you outsource some of those things to free up your time? Can you just eliminate them all together? Put your proverbial blinders on. This is how you develop your brand, build trust, pop into people’s heads when they’re asked for a recommendation. What do you do really fucking well?
This is also how you keep your work sustainable. If you’re constantly doing shit you don’t enjoy doing, what is the point?? You’re going to burn out, get overwhelmed, and throw in the towel. The key to surviving this ride is making it work for you.
And sure, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows even when we enjoy the work, but do you think Bezos is questioning if he deserves his billions when he’s just sitting there on his throne of shit? Life doesn’t have to be HARD.
I fear this has become a tangent…
My point being: when you spend too much time outside your Zone of Genius, you get burned out, feel overwhelmed, or stuck. Been there.
I have hardcore people pleasing tendencies, and saying yes because I CAN do something has sometimes been to the detriment of my client experience. You could have an amazing time working with me on your branding, in a brainstorm session etc, but then we’ll work together on something that doesn’t excite me as much as those do and communication drops, timelines extend—and that’s what you’re taking away from the whole experience.
When you let go of these things that are holding you back, you open up space for things that propel you forward, and those experiences that have people like ‘omg I know the perfect person for this’.
To help you figure out how your current offerings align with your zones, I’ve created a worksheet you can download and brain dump into.
Go through your recent projects, tasks you did last week or do on the regular… What projects went well? Which ones didn’t? Go deeper on that and see if the projects that didn’t go super great were because they were the wrong zone for you…
If you want help eliminating work that doesn’t light you up, turning your zone of genius into a marketable offer, just getting aligned on what you’re doing daily…