February 24, 2023

branding, business


What toddlers and electrical can teach you about business…

Let me set the scene for you… You’ve been without your fireplace for two days. It’s your primary heat source for your main floor. There’s a snowstorm. It’s freezing.

January 26, 2023


branding, business

Good designer, great designer, brand designer.

I’ve noticed lately that in every Discovery call, when I ask the potential client to ‘brain dump’ why they reached out, they do just that, then end it with ‘I don’t think I’m making any sense’. That’s exactly why we’re here. My job is literally to make it make sense. We don’t expect (or want […]

January 6, 2023

branding, business


Case Study: Ashleigh Amber Moore Jewelry

I was introduced to Ashleigh through our friend Francesca of @outsidetheshape – tbh, a founding place for many of my YYC business relationships. She stocked her pieces at the then shop in Inglewood, and years later reached out to me about a rebrand. Her existing logo worked fine, but she was seeing growth in the […]