Musings on email marketing, business + life.
(FYI, this one is from the archives. Sign up for Monday musings to get these in real time.) Hey friend, I get the feeling this one is going to be spirally, because in the last ten minutes of grabbing my coffee and settling down in my office it’s mentally gone in six different directions. I […]
Digital products are having their day in the sun, and while everyone get’s googly-eyed over passive income, the thing that gets forgotten is you have to actually *market* the thing. Beyond the topic of like, who is this for? Who is looking for it? Is it something so unique no one IS looking for it? […]
I talk a lot about email marketing and not putting all your eggs in the Meta basket (more on that in this post), so here’s another post to get you thinking about it. If you are selling digital products or online workshops I’ll also go into how I use Flodesk for things in my own biz!
Remember when we talked about not overthinking social in the last post, and I mentioned that my energy for strategic IG is being replaced in my business? Let’s talk about it. IG is tough. All week I’ve seen people concerned about low engagement, drastically decreased story views – it’s hard to put so much effort […]
It’s been a chaotic week, but I think today’s schpeal is a gooder 😂 And why do I think that, First name / friend? Because the last two weeks of Brainstorm Sessions have ALL ended up about social media content. And, I get it. Social media is a trip, and it does feel like it […]
I’ve been meaning to put together a little glossary-of-terms style explanation of ✨the Internet✨ for those looking for a web designer, because I feel like I’m constantly seeing people taken advantage of by codebros or hosting fees that just are not *it* in 2024. I’ve had the pleasure of creating several websites (creep one here, […]
Let me set the scene for you… You’ve been without your fireplace for two days. It’s your primary heat source for your main floor. There’s a snowstorm. It’s freezing.
I’ve noticed lately that in every Discovery call, when I ask the potential client to ‘brain dump’ why they reached out, they do just that, then end it with ‘I don’t think I’m making any sense’. That’s exactly why we’re here. My job is literally to make it make sense. We don’t expect (or want […]
Sometime last year? Well, 2021? I got really into audiobooks. And podcasts. It’s about a 20 minute drive to get to town and this is my preferred way to spend it, if I don’t lose to Bluey or Luca… I started sharing ones I enjoyed, so here’s a round up of some of my favs […]