coaching + community

Let me guess - you've been juggling client work like a caffeinated octopus, your to-do list is longer than a Costco receipt, and you've tried every productivity hack short of gluing yourself to your desk chair.

You don't need a hack, you need a community.


Coaching meets coworking meets networking meets community meets accountability...


Because running your biz can be lonely and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be.

Your brilliant business ideas are piling up faster than laundry, but implementing them feels like trying to herd cats... while blindfolded... on roller skates.

You’re confident in your craft but can't get out of your own damn way.

You stare at the blinking cursor on your IG draft, feeling like you're trying to write a best-seller with alphabet soup.

The mere thought of networking makes you want to build a blanket fort and hide. 

When someone asks "How's business?", you plaster on a smile and say "Great!" while internally screaming I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING.

can you relate?

we're all mad here, TOO

you need buddies.

sign me up

enter The Buddy System:
a weekly, scheduled meet-up to help you hash out your current struggles, and keep you accountable to your goals
24/7 group chat access to share, get feedback, or just some applause for checking off something on your list
access to the online resource hub full of tools, exercises, and promos / discounts
access to me, who has a solution or resource for almost everything LOL
a productive start to your day and week
You don't need another lonely night with Google and a gallon of coffee…
a sense of community + friends cheering you on
member pricing on 1:1 sessions with me

Get support, accountability and community through live weekly calls + ongoing chat support.

live calls:
mondays @ 11:30AM EST / 9:30am MST


(in anonymous feedback)

What past buddies
had to say

Hearing that no-one has their shit together - is always oddly nice. It was a weekly validation of the importance of supporting others, and not trying to do it all on your own.

You need to charge more! The network, connections and relationships alone is worth that for the first two sessions.

Just take the leap and trust the process. You will get as much out of the experience as you bring to it. 

The group really helped me gain some confidence when the imposter syndrome was putting the pressure on.

It surprisingly only took maybe two weeks - and then everyone was so open, honest, empathic and vulnerable with each other. It was a space we could share our struggles, ask for help, willingly offer help to others if possible, rant or simply bounce ideas off one another.

Meaghan is an excellent facilitator for this kind of experience. She strikes a balance between unbiased facilitation, keeping the group on task with a helpfully repeated structure, and group member/contributor bringing her own business wisdom and hard-learned lessons. 

Through this experience, I feel like I have a cohort of ride-or-dies I can ping with questions, insecurities, blocks that would normally mean a full stop for my business.

Meaghan is a natural community builder. Her value for people is evident in everything she touches.

okay i'm in

In short, I’m a problem solver.

I'm also a neurospicy mom of two boys, owner of a forever-fixer-upper, chronic oversharer, and creative polymath. I started my career as a designer, specializing in helping businesses grow by standing out in their industry and resonating with their customers through design thinking, years in sales + marketing, and probably my aDHd.

My clients ultimately hire me because I have a knack for looking at everything they have going on - their branding, communication, customer touchpoints, internal systems and operating procedures - seeing the gaps, and helping close them.

hi, I'm meaghan 👋